
0xD...13E: testing!
0x6...F8E: πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€
0x6...F8E: LFR
PepegaMan: Hey world
0x5...863: chrome serpents HISS HISS
0x2...143: Neon Syndicate will prevail
0x2...143: Anyone who wants to be part of the Gangs of Metacadia elite is invited to Neon City
0xE...ff6: Neon Syndicate will dominate
0x8...456: πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€
CryptoC: test
CryptoC: Finally found the right wallet lol let's go
0x6...239: I'd love to get in CC, but I can't!
0x6...239: (Hpr here)
K4Z1u: hello
PepegaMan: Rusrat
PepegaMan: Pumping up the rats
PepegaMan: We got our first target folks
K4Z1u: Haha, well we can do nothing now because we are alone xD
PepegaMan: Need to rally in some more folks
K4Z1u: You can go heist when there is two people ;p
PepegaMan: Haha yeah we all spread out :(
PepegaMan: Ima call in some backup soon
K4Z1u: Maybe there should be a lockdown for heists when the gang has only one member - because he cannot deffend.
PepegaMan: Kinda rewards being quick to get in and going
FunkyMonkey: hello :)
PepegaMan: Hey
PepegaMan: Damn iron shadows got friends coming in
0x3...ba4: yoink
gompog: first heist done :)
0x6...F8E: 🐍 🐍
0x5...fF1: Let’s go!!!
0xb...4F3: Hi everybody :))
gompog: heres to hoping your first daily quest is easy
0x6...F8E: Not if you have fat fingers and need to pick a lock
PepegaMan: Yeah the lock is hard
gompog: anyone else looking at that juicy vault that the rats have?
RupertFlurdoch: I’ve seen that cheese stash
RupertFlurdoch: Looks awfully stinky… be shame if someone put some holes in it
gompog: you know what to do..
RupertFlurdoch: Sit here and make you do the work?
0xe...9D6: Hey guys I wanna join, but Mine says error β€œpop up window failed to open”, what should I do?
RupertFlurdoch: πŸ‘ž
RupertFlurdoch: πŸͺ€πŸͺ€πŸͺ€πŸͺ€πŸͺ€πŸͺ€
RatStompa: make sure you are using smart wallet, and Chrome works well. Not sure what Pop up window failed to open means. Maybe a popup blocker?
RatStompa: failed a 70% heist on rats
RatStompa: i mean
RatStompa: did I say rats
RatStompa: i meant cats.
RupertFlurdoch: We need more cats
RatStompa: lured me in with that chedder
PepegaMan: RatStompa - best name so far
0xd...4bD: Hello world
Bazinshine: πŸ‘€
0xC...8AF: Hello
0xE...E81: hi
0x6...C47: yoooo
0xE...E81: yoooo
Exis010: That daily quest was tricky on my tiny phone haha
Dobi: I can imagine your difficulty haha
RussMCADE: Daily quest done, rats on the move
Dobi: Daily quest done too. Neon working on the shadows.
PepegaMan: Damn new syndicate joiners, I hope you guys are also fellow rat stompers?
PepegaMan: Dobi with the gang only
PepegaMan: Message In global love it
RussMCADE: Coming for you both
RatStompa: with all 3 members? NS you guys should take him out early
RatStompa: @cryptoC you know what to do
0xa...5e8: Hola
RupertFlurdoch: DQ done
RupertFlurdoch: Off to fry some rats
Bazinshine: Needing some team members πŸ˜ƒ
RussMCADE: You need to go and recruit quick before gangs start attacking and heisting
PepegaMan: The rats are trying to eliminate us without any reason. If you feel the rats need to be held accountable, negatively influence them now
PepegaMan: Serpents will crush them and take them out early, help us now, those who do will be remembered later
RussMCADE: Snakes are snakes, cut the grass down, take the cash, move on
RatStompa: /popcorn
RussMCADE: How is Neon Syndicate's influence so high?
RatStompa: 5 players, strategically pushing theirs up. Remember declaring war on another gang does give you a penalty on influence during the war window
RatStompa: theirs (ours!)
RatStompa: Also.. maybe others are pushing yours down.. :)
RussMCADE: Good point, I've declared war, heists and negative influence. I'm a horrible Rat
RupertFlurdoch: Aren’t all rats bad anyway
RatStompa: +1
RatStompa: NS grows again - we are getting PHAT
Kira: hi guys, I added positive influence to Neon
RatStompa: We have gang only chat Kira - lets use that to discuss influence strat
RussMCADE: Successful heist
Bazinshine: Picking on the lowest team within an hour of thr 2nd person joining. Classy .. revenge will be sweet
RatStompa: for real, Rats being trash heisting the weakest
RatStompa: everyone remembers this
RussMCADE: Process of elimination, I know it puts a target on our back but hey ho
Bazinshine: I'm going to cmc to invite all your fud friends to come join DD
Bluebarracudas: how is gang wealth determined? is it how much mcade we all have in our cb wallets combined?
Bazinshine: Insignias and money out into protect?
RatBoy: Its the minting of insignias, successful heists and fights etc
RatStompa: Any items bought, any heist (success or failure), ALL of the costs a gang spends go into their vault
K4Z1u: Not all of course. 25% of heist go to your wallet directly if I am not mistaken.
RatStompa: This is correct, when you are succesful on a heist, 50% goes to your vault and the other 50% is split and directly paid to the wallet of the heisters
JayJay69: And the members of robbed gang, do they lose their own MCADE or only from gang vault?
RatBoy: Gave my Rats a payday today
RatBoy: Supporting King Rat πŸ€
Theygwolf: Anyone having trouble minting insignias?
RatStompa: define trouble
Theygwolf: says error method not found
0x7...3Ea: drop screenshot in discord platform feedback
Bluebarracudas: dayummmm heist failure
Bluebarracudas: muh moneys
0x7...3Ea: it goes into your vault anyway.. So its not lost.. unless you get eliminated ofc :D
JayJay69: What exactly means being eliminated? Hope you mean by losing only gang vault and not tokens as member xD¨
0x5...a2d: The gang vault, yes.
0x5...a2d: The gang that eliminates your gang, takes the value from your vault.
CryptoC: Neon Syndicate has this game in the palm of their hand
RatStompa: Λ†___Λ†
0xf...d6E: Hello
0xf...d6E: Hello
RatBoy: Rats rallying in private chat. Don't sit on your hands
Bluebarracudas: is it possible to lose influence?
Bluebarracudas: outsie of someone negatively influencing you
PepegaMan: When someone declares war they get hit with a negative multiplier on influence
PepegaMan: So rats have that now since they declared on CS
Bluebarracudas: oooo rats and serpents gettin after it in the streets
RatStompa: let em cook
BigParr: πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€


Neon Syndicate





Iron Shadows





Chrome Serpents





Sewer Rats





Digital Drifters



